Sep 17, 2007

Alan will be stopping by Brentwood factory(making bumpers for Ford pick-up's)in the morning before work, to see about a part-time equipment maintenance job ~ please pray. This company crew needs someone to help with machine maintanance/troubleshooting/repair, but the company won't hire a F/T guy because then they would have to pay out benefits as well as salary. Al plans on telling them that he is the perfect candidate to help thier crew, because our family already has benefits through his main job. Will you join me in prayer in the morning that God gives my husband favor in the eyes of the man he is going to meet, and that the company higher-up's not only see a need for Alan's expertise and assistance, but also a way to hire him on for a season? Thanks in adavnce:) Love you all :)

1 comment:

Free In Christ said...

Well, it is now September 18 when I am reading this. I will pray for your family. I hope all went well. Please update soon. God is faithful.