Jan 25, 2007

A Faithful God

Praise God- He allowed things to work out yesterday afternoon so that I would have a longer-than-usual break of free time where He met me in a very fruitful quiet time. I placed my understanding of my role on the alter in prayer and repented of my double mindedness. God was so gracious to grant me fresh vision and to forgive me. For a moment after that relief it crossed my mind to erase my previous post, but then I wouldn't be sharing truthfully with you. We all struggle at times, and my point in blogging is to remind myself, and anyone else reading, of God's provision and faithfulness to us even in our sinful condition. Even if it can be a little embarrassing for me at times- lol!

So, for your encouragement as well as mine,I will share the scriptures God took me through yesterday. After a review of Genesis that I just figured I should start with lol - God used Hebrews 11 to remind me of the faith of the ancients, like Abraham. Paragraph after paragraph begins with 'By faith'...
and then an account of one's obedience, by faith, is shared.

These scriptures really resonated with me, for several reasons ~ one of them is that I have made quite a few bigger decisions in the last couple of years based on faith. Decisions I never saw myself making and, in fact, were at times rather frightening endeavors! And, God has blessed them all!! How I need to recount His faithfulness more and more to work out my salvation. Also, I was freshly pricked about my double mindedness in my faith when I am confessing with my mouth that God is the Lord of my heart, and looking behind me at times at the life I am not meant to have. Thank you Lord for meeting me and loving me even in my double mindedness. You are such a Faithful and Loving God! Help me Lord to 'be sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.'

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Stacey, great post! How often I forget to recount God's faithfulness in my life!!! xoxo