Dec 19, 2006

Post To Honor My Hubby, 'The Man's Man' Lol

Tonight I want to write a post to honor my husband, who has been growing in leaps and bounds in the past couple of weeks , and he has truly become a man after God's own heart. It can't be easy being married to me ! lol but he has agreed to weekly, planned conflict-discussion times , not that we have so many, but we heard this is beneficial for all couples and the pre-planned part prevents many a bigger issue later on, he has made a huge effort to spend time playing with the kids after work even when he has been exhausted, and he has even made time for giving me back rubs and showing me TLC in general and this is not easy for my husband because ( and he said it's o.k. to say this ) , he is 'a man's man." Lol I wanted to share all of this to thank all of you for all of your prayers for him and for our family. I am watching my husband grow into a godly man because of the Lord's faithfulness to us and because of our great church, made up of people I love dearly. Because God is so faithful, there are examples of Godly men and women for us to see and look to everywhere we look in our church. We do not all have the exact same situations, yet we can all speak into each other's lives because of the unifying love of Christ. My heart is filled to overflowing with gratitude! I am excited to see where all of this can take us as a family, and already planning more and more ways to 'pursue and woo' my husband. But resisting taking out the long scroll of wishes as us women can be prone to do lol .... can I get a game night, can we make that a weekly date night, how about that pile of clothes, yada, yada ;) These are small things compared to the one, main thing. I am planning on praying ever more fervently over the next weeks, and I hope you will join me. I think God is up to something big! What a wonderful gift just in time for Christmas. But I have to go in a hurry now because Al's gonna take me to Cingular to get me a new pre-paid cell phone ( after I washed the last one, oops!) because I am travelling to Virginia the 26th-30 and he doesn't want me to be without one.
I love you, Al! <3xoxox

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